Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rumble of Thunder

Sitting in the Uni Hilton last night, talking to friends, we were all blessed with a rare sight for So Cal.... an honest to gods Thunder & Lightning storm.

Very rare for these parts. Even more so for this time of year.

Inside the lush hotel, we couldn't really enjoy the deep booming claps of thunder, but outside, back in the car, driving to my next destination, I was pleased to to be a part of the unique weather experience.

This morning, driving a little after 6am, it was glorious to watch the sun attempt his usual rising, obscured by deep gray clouds.

7:30a, I was back in bed, surrounded by kitties and plush flannel sheets, soothed by rainfall.

It was quite a way to start the day, and it breathed life into what has been a difficult couple of weeks.

Now if I were only snuggled there still, I would be divinely happy.

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