Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I tend to be remiss about doing this 'gratitude' thing at Thanksgiving. However, as the Universe and I are playing the "Create your world" game this particular 30 days, I want to be sure to thank her for all that has manifested recently.

* A new job- that pays well, that has respectful co-workers, a jovial attitude, and can be left at the office every night.

* Time and ability to see my parents. After a couple of years without them, I was uncertain how the time in FL would go. But it was lovely, and I'm thrilled I went. I look forward to my next visit, whenever it may be.

* A "Private Benjamin" moment- that is to say, the ability to see something and know that whatever your feelings are on the matter, it is not in your best interest, and that is what must be served. Then turning and walking away, proudly, unquestioningly. The pain of the tearing away is experienced. Continued suffering is not.

* Someone honest and authentic, who holds the space for me to cry unashamedly, and rejoices in watching me smile. Someone who faces fear, enjoys learning, and shares constantly..... oh... and he can DANCE! *sigh* *grin*

* Healthy Cats, Paid Bills, A Working Car, & A Sense of Humor

* MOST OF ALL, let me thank you Universe for the best damn friends a girl can have. They keep coming back year after year, even when I KNOW that I'm not always a picnic, and I have more than a few tendancies towards drama. They make me laugh. They speak truths. They rage at the stars when the world isn't working out for any of us. And they smile and squee and hold you when all the world is right. My eternal thanks for Dreamschool, Dirt, LunaMoonSong, Shazam, Amandarin, SonofHarry, and the AZ_Pup

& Thank YOU, Universe, for letting me be your student.

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